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NJAASC Committees

Join a NJAASC committee today, become active, network, and help guide the Association!

Program Committee –We organize our three yearly programs, focusing on creating content and reaching out to potential speakers. This committee meets once a month on the second Tuesday at 2pm.

Annual Event Committee –This committee organizes all things related to the Annual event, speakers, theme’s Vendors. This committee meets once a month on the last Wednesday of the month, 4:30pm.

Vendor Committee –This is an all-vendor committee; the focus is to give our vendor committee a voice. Vendors give us ideas on ways to improve the vendor experience especially in these times of “virtual meetings”. This committee meets periodically on the second Thursday of each month, 1pm.

Media and Marketing Committee –Help improve our marketing footprint, social media awareness and just better ways to market all the great things the NJAASC is doing.

Membership committee –All things pertaining to membership discussed. Welcoming new members, recruiting new ones, and reminding folks to re-new. Producing contests and ideas to spurn renewals and welcome new folks. This committee meets the third Wednesday of each month 11am.

Benchmarking committee – Develops surveys for members to keep track of the latest ASC trends.

If you are interested in throwing your hat into the ring, please contact Christine Ulatoski at

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