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The goal of the NJAASC PAC is to support the advancement and advocacy of Ambulatory Surgery Centers (ASCs), promote patient safety, and protect the outpatient surgical care profession in the State of New Jersey.  The NJAASC PAC will also support the nomination, election, and reelection of candidates to New Jersey state offices whose philosophy aligns with the mission, goals, and objectives of ASCs in New Jersey.

NJAASC PAC funds will be used to support those seeking and holding office who recognize the vital role ASCs play in providing high-quality, cost-effective surgical care and who advocate for policies ensuring patient safety, equitable care, and sustainability of the ASC model.  Funds will also be allocated to address legislative and regulatory challenges, such as fair reimbursement practices, including Medicaid fees, to ensure ASCs can continue to deliver exceptional care to all patients regardless of race, color, religion, or financial ability.

NJAASC PAC Fundraising

Since its inception, the NJAASC PAC has successfully organized fundraising campaigns, with many groups and individuals contributing $1,000 or more. Unsolicited contributions between campaigns have also been an important part of the PAC's success.

Rules on Contributing to the NJAASC PAC:

  • PAC contributions are not tax deductible.
  • An individual can contribute directly to a candidate, but it cannot exceed $5,200 per election cycle.
  • An election cycle includes both the primary and general elections.
  • A professional corporation (e.g., ASC groups) can contribute $14,400 to a PAC.
  • A PAC is limited to $16,400 per candidate per election cycle.
  • Quarterly reports are submitted to the Election Law Enforcement Commission (ELEC), detailing all contributions over $300 and all donations to candidates.

Background of PACs

A PAC (Political Action Committee) is a political organization established to raise and spend money to elect or defeat candidates. While many PACs represent business, labor, or ideological interests, an increasing number of healthcare organizations, including ASCs, have formed PACs to voice their perspectives and address key industry challenges.

With the rise of issues such as managed healthcare policies, reimbursement practices, and regulatory changes, physicians and healthcare organizations are engaging in the political mainstream to influence positive change. NJAASC PAC brings the concerns of the ASC community to the forefront, supporting candidates who champion patient safety, quality care, and sustainable healthcare delivery systems.

The origins of PACs date back to the 1940s when labor unions formed PACs to support Franklin D. Roosevelt. The Federal Election Campaign Act of 1971 (FECA) further transformed political fundraising, leading to the growth of PACs and their influence in shaping policy.

Make Your Contribution Today 

You can contribute to the NJAASC PAC at any time. Your support is vital to ensuring the continued growth and success of ASCs in New Jersey.  Contributions can be made online or by sending a check to the address below.

Checks should be made payable to:

New Jersey Ambulatory Surgery PAC
150 West State Street, Suite 110
Trenton, NJ 08608

Wondering if you should donate?  We've got you covered!

"Think You Can’t Afford to Give? Think Again."

As members of the New Jersey Association of Ambulatory Surgery Centers (NJAASC), the stakes couldn’t be higher. Supporting NJAASC-PAC isn’t just an option—it’s a necessity to protect our shared interests. Here's why every contribution matters:

"I Can’t Afford to Give."

Actually, you can’t afford not to. Supporting NJAASC-PAC is an investment in the future of patient care, safety and the survival of ambulatory surgery centers.  Just as you wouldn’t operate without insurance, contributing to NJAASC-PAC ensures our collective voice is heard in Trenton. The groups pushing for legislation that could harm our industry are well-funded and well-organized.  Can we afford to be silent?

"My Contribution Doesn’t Make a Difference."

Every dollar is a building block of our advocacy efforts. Even small contributions add up to create a powerful voice that lawmakers recognize and respect. Think about it: when we unite, we demonstrate the strength and determination of New Jersey's ambulatory surgery centers. Your contribution, no matter the size, underscores the vital role we play in delivering high-quality, safe, and efficient care.

"I Don’t Like NJAASC-PAC ’s Candidates—or Politics in General."

We get it—politics can be messy. But advocacy isn’t about partisan divides; it’s about protecting the future of our industry. NJASS-PAC supports lawmakers who champion policies critical to ambulatory surgery centers, regardless of their party affiliation. Just as you collaborate with diverse teams in surgery, we work across the aisle to advance our shared priorities.

"I Don’t Believe Money Should Influence Politics."

None of us entered healthcare to navigate political complexities, but the reality is that policy decisions impact every aspect of our work. NJAASC-PAC ensures we have a seat at the table, advocating for legislation that protects patient care and strengthens our industry. Every contribution is transparently reported and directly fuels our advocacy efforts.

"Giving to NJAASC-PAC  Sounds Complicated."

Not anymore! NJAASC-PAC has made it easier than ever to contribute.  With monthly giving options - $5, $10, or $20- you can support our efforts effortlessly. Prefer a one-time donation? No problem. Whether it's at the annual meeting, by mail, or online, your contribution can fit your schedule and your budget.

"I’ve Never Given Before—Why Start Now?"

There’s no better time than now. The challenges we face today require all hands on deck. By giving to NJAASC-PAC, you’re not just contributing financially—you’re joining a movement to preserve the role of ambulatory surgery centers and ensure the highest patient safety standards.

Your Role, Your Voice, Your Future.
Every day, decisions are made in Trenton that affect ambulatory surgery centers and patient care. Let’s make sure those decisions are informed by the people who know this work best—you. Join us in shaping a future where quality, safety, and innovation thrive.

Contribute to NJAASC-PAC today. Because together, we’re stronger.


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